What Every Piano Shopper Needs to Know about
Stencil Pianos
When shopping for a piano, it is very important to understand that many brands are not being made by the original manufacturer any longer. In these cases, they are being built at factories with little or no connection to the name that appears on the piano. These pianos are referred to as Stencil Pianos.
Today, an increasing number of Stencil Pianos are on the market, even some with old European or American names. Regardless of the name on the piano, all Stencil Pianos have the following things in common. First, they are no longer being made by the original company. Second, they are currently being manufactured by lower cost, less experienced factories which affects the quality.
If you have further questions about pianos in general that you have not been able to find the correct answer for, contact Rockaway Music at 973-984-8800.